########################### # common.lib instructions # ########################### # Flyounet (c)2009-2015 # ########################### + Purpose : o Often you have to write Shell script on different platform. This library will try to help you by having les work to do when migrating from one OS to another. This lib intended to help migrate Bash <--> Ksh. The version 0.32 was the last to support Bash & Ksh. Now this lib will evolve to only support Bash. + Licenses : o All documentations are provided under the Creative Commons License by-sa v3.0 o http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ o http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr o These material is provided under the GPLv3 license and DSSLv1. o http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html o http://www.april.org/files/groupes/trad-gpl/doc/GPLv3/www.rodage.org/gpl-3.0.fr.html?q=groupes/trad-gpl/doc/GPLv3/www.rodage.org/gpl-3.0.fr.html o http://dssl.flyounet.net/licences + Installation instructions : o Simply copy file where you want. + Uninstallation instructions : o Simply delete file + Usage instructions : o Source the file in your script and call the functions you want eg: . /homeOfTheLib/common.lib + Example : o The script test/test_common-lib.sh is provided to give you a full example. o The script test/libHelp.sh is provided to give you a simple example, and to let you use it against the common.lib file. + Files : * common.lib (or maybe common.lib_vx.xx) contains all the functions. * _common4bash.lib contains only functions for Bash (that Ksh cannot support). This file must be called through common.lib. o common.lib.README contains this documentation. o test/test_common-lib.sh contains a full example. o test/test_common-lib.conf contains datas to provide example. o test/libHelp.sh returns help about function in a file. o doc/common.lib.mm contains the list of function in Free(Plane|Mind) format. o doc/common.lib.png contains the FreeMind file in image format. o test/validation/validator.sh Execute all existing tests to validate the library under Bash and/or Ksh. o test/validation/validator.zsh Execute all existing tests to validate the library under Zsh. o test/validation/*F01.*.sh are all tests used by validator.sh The files in the file list that begin with a star (*) and not a o (o) are mandatory. # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Last subversion informations : # | $Revision$ : $Date$ # | $Author$ # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #